Tis the season for holiday party planning. With Halloween happening in just a few weeks, you know we have been constantly perusing Pinterest for costume and party ideas – as every mom does these days. As we all know, Pinterest has a plethora of amazing ideas but also a bunch of impossible projects. Assuming you are a busy mom, like… Read more →
Breast Cancer Awareness: How You Can Help
Can you believe it’s already October?! We are excited for some sweater weather to hit us here in Texas, but even more excited to help support Breast Cancer Awareness Month. As you are probably well aware of, October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month. The popular ‘pink month’ was created back in the 1980s in order to promote education about breast… Read more →
The Perfect Gift for a New Mom
Can you recall a time when you received the perfect gift? A mother always remembers the day their child was born. The special feeling a mother has bringing a new life into this world is priceless. Special days like this are shared between family and friends. I, for one, have many best friends that have given birth to their first… Read more →
Why Mother’s Stackable Rings Make the Perfect Gift
Amazing. Loving. Strong. Happy. Selfless. Graceful. These are some of the words that describe mothers around the world. Mothers can often be underappreciated because all the focus is on the children most of the time, which is just how life works. Make sure that your mother or wife never forgets how appreciative and thankful you are for her selfless heart… Read more →
Finding the Perfect Gift for Your Wife
This one is a post for the husband’s out there. Buying your wife the perfect gift is sometimes challenging but we’ve come up with a few points to help you get started on the venture! Being a wife myself, I think it’s safe to say I have a pretty good sense of what wives want when it comes to receiving… Read more →
3 Perfect Gifts for National Grandparents Day
National Grandparents Day is less than two weeks away on September 13th! Don’t let this overlooked holiday pass you by without giving your grandmother the perfect gift. Grandmothers are some of the most special women on earth. Their tender hearts and home cooked meals are always there for us when we need them most. Remind your grandmother how much she… Read more →
August Birthstone Gift Ideas
Birthstone mementos are ones that will never go out of style. The color for August, peridot, is a lovely lime green color and symbolizes loyalty, success and good fortune. It also holds a special spot in our heart because it represents the month that one of our very own from the Nelle and Lizzy duo was brought into the world… Read more →
Choose Joy Encouragement Ring
Get an encouragement ring of our your own here: https://www.nelleandlizzy.com/words-to-live-by-single-ring-138.htm Read more →
Family Heirloom Necklace with Initials
Shop our Family Heirloom Necklace here: https://www.nelleandlizzy.com/777.htm Read more →